

I understand that these healing sessions are used for treating stress issues, fear of heights, maximizing relaxation and several other problems. I understand that NLP, Hypnosis and Havening practitioners do not diagnose major health issues nor do they perform any kind of medical procedures, suggest medicines, nor interfere with other conventional treatments offered by licensed medical professionals. I completely understand that NLP, Hypnosis and Havening techniques do not replace medical care, and it is highly recommended that I meet licensed healthcare professional in case I have any psychological ailment. I am aware of the fact that NLP, Hypnosis and Havening complement psychological or medical care however results are not guaranteed. I also understand that our body has a unique ability to heal itself and NLP, Hypnosis and Havening help in relaxation and treating other long-term imbalances in the body. I also understand that sometimes multiple sessions are required in order to facilitate the level of relaxation that is required by the body to heal the problems.

I, for myself, my successors, heirs, administrators, executors and assignees, hereby release and forever discharge Healing w/ George (George Asonitis), his successors, heirs, executors, assignees and administrators, from any and all actions, claims and demands, causes of action for or by reason of any damage, injury or loss, to person and property which heretofore has been or hereafter maybe sustained in consequence of any treatment which I might get, in any respect of and for any attempts by myself or anyone on my behalf to cause permanent or temporary relief from any disease, ailment or injury with which I will be, or have been diagnosed.

I also understand that each session costs £75 and there is no any guarantee on treatment results as each individual is different and some treatments might not work properly. I have properly understood the cancellation policy and I agree to the terms listed in this document.

Signed: ________________________________ Date: _________________